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七年级英语上册 Unit 1《My name’s Gina(第三课时)Section B》导学案人教新目标版

[09-28 20:32:23]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  七年级英语教学设计   阅读:8329

概要:Unit1 My name’s Gina.第三课时 Section B课前热身 温故知新The girl’s name is ____.Liu Xingyun B. Zhao hui C. Qing Wang D. Chen mengmengI ____ a girl. My name ___ Grace.am; am B. is; am C. is; is D. am; is____ pen is white, and ___pen is black.My; she B. I; her C. You; his D. Your; his– Hello! I&
七年级英语上册 Unit 1《My name’s Gina(第三课时)Section B》导学案人教新目标版,标签:七年级英语教学设计案例,http://www.5ijcw.com

Unit1 My name’s Gina.
第三课时 Section B
课前热身 温故知新
The girl’s name is ____.
Liu Xingyun B. Zhao hui C. Qing Wang D. Chen mengmeng
I ____ a girl. My name ___ Grace.
am; am B. is; am C. is; is D. am; is
____ pen is white, and ___pen is black.
My; she B. I; her C. You; his D. Your; his
– Hello! I’m Gina.
Hello! I’m Mike. B. What’s this? C. How are you? D. Spell it, please.
学习目标 有的放矢
1. 单词:P4-5
2. 掌握听的技能,在听的过程中准确获取数字信息。
3. 重点句型: What’s your telephone number? It’s ….
指点迷津 授之以渔
表达数目多少的数词叫基数词,本单元出现0~9的基数词。基数词常用来表示门牌号、电话号码、车牌号码、年代等。但书写时一般用阿拉伯数字,而读的时候用英语。其中0可以读作zero也可以读作字母o的读音,当号码中有相同两个数字相连时,可以借助double(双的、两倍的)加数字来完成,也可逐个读出来。如:①Tel. No. 32687591(读作:Tel. No. Three two six eight seven five nine one)注意:Tel.是电话telephone的缩写词。②Room 304(读作:Room three o four)注意:房间号码中的0读法为字母o的读音,也可以读zero。③500698(读作:five double zero(O)six nine eight)
一 未雨绸缪
单词:zero one two three four five six seven eight nine telephone number it card family
句型:What’s your telephone number? It’s 278-7928.
二 课堂探究
1. 自主学习
写出数字 0 _____ 1 ____ 2 _____ 3 ______ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6___
     7___ 8 _______ 9_______
What’s her telephone number? It’s ….
What’s her family name? Her family name is ….
What’s her first name? Her first name is ….
用英文 写出所缺数字
(1)1+2= _______
(2) 4-2= ________
(3) 3× 3 = _________
(4) 4+ 1 = __________
(5) 4÷2+1×5= _______
-If a=3, b=4, what’s the answer to the question a+2ab+1=?
- __________.
A. Twenty-eighth B. Twenty- eight C. Thirteen D. Eighteen
通过数字之间的计算可以得出本题答案为28,另外数字的表达方式几十几为几十后面加连字符 “-” ,然后再加个位数字,所以本题选B。

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