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电视和我的家庭 TV and My Family

[11-26 14:12:20]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  英语作文   阅读:8721

概要: {5} 看电视的优缺点Television is, of course, an important source of both information and entertainment. Watching TV, we can travel around the world and even into space, and get a firsthand look at the cultures and customs of distant lands, all without leaving our favorite armchair. TV news informs us about
电视和我的家庭 TV and My Family,标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,http://www.5ijcw.com

{5} 看电视的优缺点
Television is, of course, an important source of both information and entertainment. Watching TV, we can travel around the world and even into space, and get a firsthand look at the cultures and customs of distant lands, all without leaving our favorite armchair. TV news informs us about important events in the four corners of the world. Light entertainment on TV also has its uses; it allows us to relax at the end of a hard, stress-filled day.
The harmful effects are both physical and social. Hours spent sitting in front of the TV can cause a person to become overweight and unfit. Besides this, too much watching TV is bad for the eyes. It can be addictive, too. Families forget how to talk with each other, and children neglect their homework. Also, the large amount of violence on TV is at least partially responsible for the increase of violence in our society.

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