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Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克)

[11-26 14:11:26]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  英语作文   阅读:8936

概要:作文:Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克)台南市新兴国中一年二班洪志凯 Yesterday was a sunny day. Jack's father took him to a zoo. Jack came to the crocodile pen. He saw a huge crocodile crawling in the pond. He felt excited. Jack took some snacks out of his pocket and threw them to one of the crocodiles. "Stop! Don't
Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克),标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,http://www.5ijcw.com

作文:Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克)

 Yesterday was a sunny day. Jack's father took him to a zoo. Jack came to the crocodile pen. He saw a huge crocodile crawling in the pond. He felt excited. Jack took some snacks out of his pocket and threw them to one of the crocodiles. "Stop! Don't feed the animals. Can't you see this sign?" said a zookeeper. "I want to feed them!" Jack said and hit the zookeeper, so the zookeeper was angry. He threw Jack to the crocodiles. The crocodiles' snack was Jack himself.

关键字: Tag:英语作文小学英语作文,英语作文范文作文大全 - 英语作文

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