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  • 名称:pep小学英语四年级下册期中试卷5
  • 类型:四年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:09:06
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6601
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:3 星级


一 把这些词译成英语(10分)

操场 花园 图书馆 体育馆 食堂 计算机 写字板 早餐

午餐 晚餐

二 读出这些单词并译成英语(10分)

many beautiful light time class jacket

wall floor

三 填入空缺的字母并读出单词(10分)

1 gr_de sn_ke gr_pe t_ble

2 f_t m_n h_t h_ppy

3 w_
h_ sh_

4 h_n l_sson b_d d_sk

5 sh_p th_n s_ster w_ndow

四 把下列词组译成英语(10分)
     去教师办公室 在一楼 在图书馆 浪费食物 浇花
     交作业 仔细看 又唱又跳  穿上T-恤衫 洗衬衫

五 选择正确答案(10分)

1 ____ are the art rooms ?

A.Why B.Where C. These

2 Is that the washroom?


A.it isn’t B.it is
C.that is

3 It’s time ___ lunch.


4 What ____ is it now?

C. day

5 How ____ students are there in your class?

A.many B.much

六 英译汉(20分)

1 Welcome to our school .

2 Do you have a library?

3 This way ,please .

4 What a lot of fun!

5 What’s on the teacher’s desk?

6 Be quiet in the library .

7 Don’t push in the hallway.

8 It’s time to go to bed.

9 School is over .

10 Wendy’s sleeping beside
her clock.

    七 汉译英(20分)

1 早饭做好了。

2 我准备好了。

3 醒醒,该起床了。

4 你的衬衫是什么颜色?

5 这是谁的?

6 把你的毛衣放起来。

7 请把我的T-恤衫递给我。

8 快点,现在5点了。

9 计算机教室在二楼。

10 这是你小时候穿的裤子。

    八 翻译 (10分)

Our Classroom

This is our classroom.It is a nice big room.

The windows are big and the walls are white .There is

a blackboard on the front wall.On the back wall there

a map.It is a map of China.

In front of the blackboard there is a big desk.It is for the teacher.There are forty small desks and chairs in the room.They are for us students.

What is on the teacher’s desk ? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher.We like her.She is a good teacher.

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