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新目标九年级英语全册《Unit 1 How do you study for a test》单元检测试卷1

  • 名称:新目标九年级英语全册《Unit 1 How do you study for a test》单元检测试卷1
  • 类型:九年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:29:41
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  • 下载次数:6685
  • 语言简体中文
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  • 推荐度:4 星级
《新目标九年级英语全册《Unit 1 How do you study for a test》单元检测试卷1》简介


新目标九年级英语全册《Unit 1 How do you study for a test》单元检测试卷1
Each correct answer counts for two points.
A Listening Comprehension Listen to the conve rsation. Fill in the blanks about Sarah's problems and Nick's advice.
Example:Sarah is having trouble     learning English .
1.Sarah knows lots of words, but she thinks  ____________________ is too hard.
2.Nick thinks Sarah should ____________________.
3.Sarah has been studying grammar by using ____________________.
4.Nick thinks that flashcards won't ____________________ Sarah learn grammar.
5.Sarah hasn't been studying the _________ ___________.
B  V ocabulary How can you study English? Fill in the blanks. Use the  words in the box.
E xample:I watch English-language TV shows to listen to t he actors' pronu nciation of English words.
1.I practice having _______________ with my frie nds, but we can't go  back  to our own language.
We h ave to talk in English.
2.I like to make _______________ for every new vocabulary word, then have a friend show me each card really quickly to see if I know the word right away.
3.I keep _______________ in my notebook. I have a different list for every chapter in every  textbook. That helps me more than anything.
4.I hate keeping vocabulary lists! That's so boring. I like to listen to _____________
5.I have to see the words in sentences. Lists and flashcards don't work for me. I can't learn by listening to cassettes  or watching TV . So I study my _______________ from classes.
C Functions  Match the qu estions and answers.
Drew lines.
D Grammar Cross out the word that doesn't belong in each sentence.
Example:I study by (  / reading) m y notes from class.
1.How do you (study / studying) for a math test?
2.I like to (listen / listening) to actors on TV.
3.How do you (learn / learning) to dance?
4.Do you learn English by ( practice / practicing) conversations with your friends?
5.I learn by (watch / watching) English-language videos.
E Reading and Writing Fill in the blanks in the conversation. Use the words o r phrases in the box.
Example:A:Hi, how's it going? Are you ready to join the English club?
         B:No, I don't want  to join. I think it will be too hard.
1.A:I think being in the club _______________ my speaking skills.
2.B:I think reading aloud helps me. _______________ study for tests? You always get good grades in English.
3.A:Well, I talk to my friends a lot at the club. Even  though I make  ______________ _, I think my Eng lish is getting better every day.
    B:You speak v ery well. Are you  sure the English club helps you?
4.A:_______________. I think practicing conversations really helps me learn English.
5.B:I know one thing about how I learn. Studying that grammar book is _______________!
Unit 1
A Listening Comprehension
1. grammar  2.join a study group  3.flashcards  4.help  5.right way
B Vocabulary
1. conversations  2.flashcards  3.vocabulary lists  4.cassettes  5.notes
C Functions
1. d  2.e  3.f  4.b  5.a
D Grammar
These words should be crossed out:
1. studying  2.listening  3.learning  4.practice  5.watch
E Reading an d  Writing
1. improves  2.How do you  3.mistakes  4.Yes, I am  5.no help at all

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