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  • 名称:初中英语填空英汉互译
  • 类型:八年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:25:35
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6310
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:2 星级


1. Town cinema has the f____________ service in town.
2. You are ill. Take the m___________ three times a day.
3. It’s ___________(必要的) to eat a balanced diet.
4. Please give me some i___________ about travelling by plane.
5. What are the d____________ between the twins?
6. The 16th A______ Games was held on November 12, 2010 in Guangzhou.
7. Tom often surfs the I___________ on weekends.
8. This clothing store has the _________(最差的) quality clothes.
9. It is raining outside. __________(幸运地),we bring our umbrellas and raincoats.
10. My grandpa is sitting on a very _____________(舒服的)chair
11. I’m t_________. Could you give me some water?
12. Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep h      .
13. The doctor told him to take the m_________ three times a day.
14. Tony is going to be an e________ so he wants to study math really hard.
15. She went to Tsinghua U_________ and majored in management.
16. Thank you for i__________ me to your birthday party.
17. There are about four __________(百) teachers in our school.
18. The subway takes him forty m         to go to the bank.
19. Let’s ask more ____________(信息) about where to go on vacation.
20. Her eating h_________ are pretty good. She never eats junk food.
21. Liu Xiang is f__________ as a running star.
22. He hopes he can forget all his p___________.
23. Last weekend many v_________ came to our school.
24. It’s raining outside. You should take an u____________ with you.
25. I want to visit s_________ (在某处 ) interesting.
26. I want to make some f_________(外国的)friends.
27. It is about five ______________(公里)from my home to school.
30. Can I b__________ your eraser?  I can’t find mine.
1.    __   (be) your father in Shanghai last week?
2. My parents asked me            (do) the dishes after meals.
3. Could you please       _     (not play) computer games every day?
4. Danny is_______________(friendly) of all my friends.
5. I had fun __________(play) basketball last Sunday.
6. Can you give me something____________ (eat)?
7. There’re lots of __________(tour) to come to Shanghai during the 2010 EXPO.
8. Don’t forget __________(feed) my dog when I leave.
9. What makes you __________(feel) so happy?
10. He put his books on the desk and _________(go) out.
11. My father _________________ (learn) a foreign language next year.
12. ___________(take) a boat to school is much more fun than taking a bus.
13. There ___________(be) some milk on the table last night.
14. It takes me ten minutes ___________ (get) to school by bike.
15. ---When did you finish __________ (write)the report? ----Last night.
16. You should try ___________(drink) more water and less kola.
17. __________(read) in the sun is bad for our eyes.
18. Tina didn’t come to school because of her ___________(ill).
19. They are going bike ________(ride) in the countryside next month.
20. Ben always talks less but does__________(much).
21. I’m going to practice__________ (play) basketball every day.
22. The old man enjoys_______ (live) somewhere quiet.
23. He wants_________ (find) a part-time job.
24. The girls are going to exercise more_________ (keep) fit.
25. My father is ______________ (serious) than my mother.
26. I think running is not so _____________ (interest) as swimming.
27. She has kind and __________ (love) grandmother and grandfather.
28. Please stop ________ (work) and have a rest.
29. He went to Peking University and__________ (major) in business.
30. I was so happy when I ________ (get) your letter yesterday. I know you __________ (look) for a part-time job now. A job as a guide ________(sound) very good. By the way, my parents and I____________ (visit) your family in Beijing next month. Hope _________(see) you soon.
III英汉互译 1. 我长大后想做一名棒球运动员。
I _____ _____ _____ a baseball player when I ______ ______.
2. 感谢你照顾我的小狗。___________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________ my little dog.
3. 同时他打算周游世界。_______________¬¬_, he is going to ________________________¬¬¬_.
4.坐火车到济南需要多长时间?_____ _____ _____ it _____ to _____ the ______ to Ji’nan?
5.Mary 比我更擅长跳舞。Mary is _______ _____ _________ than me.
6.他们后天将动身去上海. They are ________ _____ Shanghai the day _______ _________.
7.我认为差异在友谊中并不重要。I _____ think _________ are _________ in a _________.
8.大量蔬菜有助于你保持健康。A lot of vegetables can ______ you ______ ____ good health.
9. 对他们来说学好所有的科目是必须的。_________________________________________
10. 我认为每晚睡八个小时很重要。_____________________________________________
11. 他长大后想当个工程师.______________________________________________
12.I don’t think children should laugh at others._____________________________________
13. Tom is not as good at sports as his brother._____________________________________

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