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  • 名称:冀教版小学英语六年级下册期末试题
  • 类型:六年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:18:35
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6520
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:3 星级



What sports does he play?              What time is it ?
_______________                   _____________

What is he doing?                Is this a TV or a computer?
________________              ________________
二、按要求写单词. (15分)
put on (反义词)______ teeth (单数)      party(复数)________
lie (现在分词)______light(反义词)______ wash(单三形式)_______
buy(过去式)____lose(反义词)_____fast(比较级)____ sad(副词)___ beach(复数)       sun(形容词)________leaves(单数)_______
nine(序数词)_____  teach(过去式)______
1. bike, riding  ,is ,a, exercise
2.aren't ,   for,  you,  good , they
3. will,  what,  you,    do,   summer,   this
4.lying,  you,  do,   on ,  beach,  the, like  ,
5. Does,  that,    cloud,  like  , look ,  what 
四、从I栏找出与I I栏对应的答语。 (10分)
            ( I )                            ( II )
(   )1.How far is it to the store ?                A .Five.
(   )2.Would you like to learn to play ping-pong?  B . Five yuan .
(   )3.What’s your favourite shape?          C.I taught Li Ming to play basketball.
(   )4.How many gifts do you need ?         D .I like these.
(   )5.How much is chicken ?               E .Yes , I can .
(   )6.What did you do?                 F.It’s cold and snowy.
(   )7.Do you like these or those T-shirt ?  G. I wear swimsuit. 
(   )8.Can you swim?                   H. It’s one kilometre.
(   )9.How’ s the weather today?            I.Circle.
(   )10.What do you wear to swim?           J.Yes, I would.
(   )1.a pair of runners              A.洗脸
(   )2.be good for                  B.篮球运动员
(   )3.say hello to                   C.在飞机场
(   )4.work hard                   D.从星期一到星期五
(   )5.from Monday to Friday       E. 在体育用品店
(   )6.wash your face                 F.去游泳
(   )7.at the airport                  G.向....问好
(   )8.a basketball player                H.对……有益(有好处)
(   )9.at the sports store                I.一双跑鞋
(   )10.go swimming                J.努力工作
(   )1.---______ do you play basketball?  ----Once a week.
 A.How many   B.How much    C.How often   D.How old
(   )2.I will run ______ than the police officer? 
 A.fast  B.fastter     C.faster     D.fastr
(   )3.____ kite looks like a bird,but _____ looks like a circle.
A.Yours,mine   B.yours,my    C.your,mine    D.your,my  
(   )4.I don't have  ______ soup? 
A.some  B.any    C.many
(   )5.---Why?      ----______it’s good for you.
A.Before      B.Because      C.After   D.What  
(   )6.Don’t _____ late for school
A./    B.was     C.be   D.is
(   )7.It’s 7:00 now. Time ____ breakfast.
A.to       B.at   C.at   D.for
(   )8.The weather is _____ .
A.warm and warm   B.warmer and warm  C.warmer and warmer
(   )9. Li Ming is ______ soon.
A.come    B.comes   C.coming   D.comeing
(   )10.What would you like ____ supper?
A.to    B.in    C.for   D.with
七、用所给的动词的适当形式填空: 10分)
1 . Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .
2 . I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .
3 . Do they like ________ (swim) ?
4 . Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket.
5 . Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?
Yesterday Often tomorrow
walked walk Will walk
  Will play

This is an umbrella.      These are umbrellas.

This is _____ _____.      These _____ _____.

Here is a ___ .            _____ ____ ____.

九.以My Favourite Season 为题写一篇作文。(要求最少八个句子)8分

一. He plays basketball.  It’s ten to two. He’s skipping. It’s a computer.
二. Take off  tooth  parties  lying  heavy  washes  bought  win faster  sadly beaches sunny leaf ninth taught
三. 1. Riding a bike is exercise. 2. They aren’t good for you. 3. What will you do this summer ? 4.Do you like to lying on the beach?
5.What does that cloud look like ?
四.1-h 2-j 3-I 4-a 5-b 6-c 7-d 8-e 9-f 10-g
五. 1-I 2-h 3- g 4-j 5-d 6-a 7-c 8-b 9-e 10-f
六.1-5 cccbb 6-10 cdccc
七.1. is playing 2. get 3. swimming 4. has 5. make
八.略 九. 略.


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