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  • 名称:冀教版三年级英语下册期中试卷
  • 类型:三年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-03 20:05:52
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6279
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:3 星级


Listening  Parts听力部分(30分)
(   )1.A. O   B. P    C. R  (   ) 2. A. D   B. H     C .I
(   )3A. F   B. V   C. S     (   ) 4.A.T      B.Y      C. W 
( )5A.m  B.n  C.p   6.A.f    B.d  C.t
(   )7.A. u    B. y    C. e  (   ) 8. A. t    B. o     C. q 
(   )9.A.g    B. d    C. h   (   ) 10. A. n   B. u     C. p
15     17    19    13    18    20    14    16    11    12
(  )   (  )   (  )   (  )  (  )   (  )   (  )  (  )   (  )   (  )
(  )1.A. breakfast     B. lunch       C.  supper
(  )2. A. chicken      B. fish         C.  meat
(  )3. A. dumplings    B. fruit        C.  juice
(  )4. A. noodles       B. rice        C.   soup
(  )5.A. drink         B. eat         C.  tea
(  )6.A. morning       B. afternoon   C.  evening
(  )7.A. eleven        B. twelve      C.  fourteen
(  )8.A. apple         B. banana     C.  melon
(  )9.A. donut         B. milk       C. pop
 (  )10.A. hamburger    B. sixteen     C. hot dog
Writing Parts  笔试部分(70分)
(  )1. I’m hungry.  I want to _____________.
   A. eat       B. drink      C. meat
(  )2. I’m thirsty!  I want to ______________.
   A. food      B. drink      C. eat

(  )3. Would you like some soup ,Jenny ?
   A. Yes, please!   B. Thank you.  C. You’re welcome.
(  )4. What’s your favourite food ?_____. A. Meat. B. Pen. C. Pencil.
(  )5. I get up in the ___________.
   A. afternoon      B.   evening     C. morning
(  )6. I go to bed in the __________.
   A. morning       B. evening        C. afternoon
(  )7. How many _______on the desk?
   A. pens          B. pen            C. pencil
(  )8. Thanks !__________________.
   A. You are welcome !   B. Thank you !   C.  Yes.
(  )9. How much for one donut ?_____________________.
   A. One yuan.      B. Ten       C. Thanks.
(  )10.May I borrow your pencil, Jenny ?______________.
   A. Eleven         B. Sure      C. Thanks
1. rice  2. melon  3. fifteen  4. fish  5. apple  6. pop7. fourteen
8. eleven  9. banana  10. hamburger  11. milk  12. water 
数字: _____________________喝的:______________________

1. fish            肉           2.  15           nineteen
meat           汤               19           twenty
rice            鱼               20           fourteen
soup           米饭             16            fifteen
dumplings      面条             12            sixteen
noodles         鸡肉             14           twelve
chicken         饺子             13           thirteen
juice           果汁             18           eighteen
I’m hungry!                        我想吃。
I want to eat.                       我饿了。
Would you like some soup ?           你想要些汤吗?
Yes, please.                         不要了,谢谢。
No, thanks.                         好的。
Do you like pepper?                 你喜欢胡椒粉吗?
I like chicken.                       我买两个。
You’re welcome.                     不用客气。
How much is it ?                    我喜欢吃鸡肉。
I’ll take two , please.                 它多少钱?
What would you like , please ?         当然可以。
Sure.                              你想要点什么?
(  )1.当你问别人,你最喜欢的食物是什么时,应该说  ----------
A. What’s your favourite food ?   B. I don’t like meat.    C. I like noodles.
  (  )2.当问别人你想要点什么时,应该说  -----------------------------
A. How much is it ?  B. What would you like ,please ?  C. How are you ?
(  )3.当你向别人借东西时,你应该说 ---------------------------------
A. May I borrow your _____,please?   B. How many pens do you have ?  C. How much is it ?
(  )4.你想说“我喜欢面条”,应该说  ----------------------------------
A. I like fish.  B. I like noodles.   C. I don’t like noodles.
(  )5.你想说“我最喜欢的食物是饺子”,应该说 ---------------------
A. My favourite food is dumpling.  B. I like rice.  C. I like meat.
(  )6.当你想问“多少钱”时,应该说  ---------------------------------
A. How much is it ?   B. How old are you ?  C. How are you ?
(  )7.当你谢谢别人时,应该说 --------------------------------------------
A. Thank you!   B. Yes.please.     C. N o, thank you.
(  )8.当别人对你说“Thanks”时,你应该说  --------------------------
A. You’re welcome.   B.  Thank you.  C. Yes.
(  )9.当你饿了,你想吃时,应该说 --------------------------------------
A. I’m Li Ming.   B. I want to eat.   C. I want to drink.
(  )10.当别人说“May I borrow your pencil,please ?”时,你应该说--------------------
A. Sure !       B. Yes.    C. No.

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