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[11-05 16:39:37]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  英文短信   阅读:8474

概要:[早日康复] Hoping you're feeling much better today and that you'll soon be back home from your hospital stay. [早日康复] Hoping you feel much better now and that you'll soon be completely well. [早日康复] Wishing you a quick return to good health. [早日康复] These thoughts warm and friendly are coming y
[早日康复] Hoping you're feeling much better today and that you'll soon be back home from your hospital stay.

[早日康复] Hoping you feel much better now and that you'll soon be completely well.

[早日康复] Wishing you a quick return to good health.

[早日康复] These thoughts warm and friendly are coming your way to hope that you're feeling much better today.

[早日康复] Get better soon and stay well for good.

[早日康复] Praying for a speedy recovery and for continuing good health.

[早日康复] Thinking of you today and hoping that very soon you'll be back in top shape.

关键字: Tag:英文短信手机短信,英语短信,短信大全短信. 笑话 - 英文短信


