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[09-27 09:23:38]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  个人简历   阅读:8349

概要:establish and perfect the process of follow up & maintaining customers send e-mail regularly to old customers to promote new orders. coordinate the problems from feedback of customers, and then report to the maneger help company train new colleagues 20xx/04—20xx/08: kema quality certification (hong
establish and perfect the process of follow up & maintaining customers
send e-mail regularly to old customers to promote new orders.
coordinate the problems from feedback of customers, and then report to the maneger
help company train new colleagues

20xx/04—20xx/08: kema quality certification (hong kong) ltd
inspection department inspection trainee
handling office day-to-day affairs, such as documents collection, field staff working arrangements, information on website updating and so on

20xx/09—20xx/07: shenzhen univercity bachelor
mechanical design, manufacturing and autoomation

language skills~~~~~~~~~~~~
writing english: good oral english: average
mandarin: very good cantonese: very good

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