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At the Barbers 在理发店与美容厅(宾馆常用英语)

[07-27 17:56:50]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  酒店英语外语   阅读:8819

概要:A:That's exctaly what I want.How long does it take?B:There are half-hour and one hour treatments.The half hour facial costs twenty yuan and the one hour costs thirty yuan.If you want a make-up,another ten yuan will do.A:Good.I'll take thewww.5ijcw.com half-hour facial with make-u
At the Barbers 在理发店与美容厅(宾馆常用英语),标签:酒店常用英语,酒店英语口语,http://www.5ijcw.com

A:That's exctaly what I want.How long does it take?

B:There are half-hour and one hour treatments.The half hour facial costs twenty yuan and the one hour costs thirty yuan.If you want a make-up,another ten yuan will do.

A:Good.I'll take the

www.5ijcw.com half-hour facial with make-up.


Words and Expressions

moustache     n.髭,小胡子

temple    n.鬓角

satisfactory    n.满意的

toner    n.调色剂,增色剂

invigorate    vt.滋补,滋润;使活跃;使健壮

exfoliation    n.剥落;剥落物

peel    v.剥(皮);被剥(或削)去皮

scrub     n.擦洗;擦净

massage    vt.给(某人或身体某部位)按摩(或推拿)

circulation    n.循环,环流;运行

moisturize     vt.给(皮肤、空气等)增加水分

tonic     a.滋补的

cleanse    vt.使清洁

www.5ijcw.com ,清洗

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