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Ring the Bell 打铃服务(酒店常用英语)

[07-27 17:56:27]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  酒店英语外语   阅读:8303

概要:www.5ijcw.com ay? I can't stand the heat.-那在这样热的天气里为什么不开放冷气呢?我热得受不了。-I'm very sorry not to have taken care of you well.I will turn on the air-conditioning for you at once.-对不起,我们对您照顾得不好。我马上替您把空调机打开。-The room is very hot,and besides tthere are some mosquitos.Can you do anything to
Ring the Bell 打铃服务(酒店常用英语),标签:酒店常用英语,酒店英语口语,http://www.5ijcw.com
www.5ijcw.com ay? I can't stand the heat.

-I'm very sorry not to have taken care of you well.I will turn on the air-conditioning for you at once.

-The room is very hot,and besides tthere are some mosquitos.Can you do anything to it?

-I'll light a mosquito incense for you.-我给你点一盘蚊香。

-I'll spray insecticide and refreshing oil.-我来喷点药水和清凉剂。

-There are some cock-roaches in the room.Please wipe them out.

-I'm sorry.Our management is not so good.I'll wips them for you right away.

-How does this shower work?-淋浴装置好用吗?

-Where's the plug for a shaver?-刮脸刀用的电源插头在哪里?

-What's the voltage?-电压量多少?

-The cool air is too cold

www.5ijcw.com .I feel rather cold.Please turn it off a little bit.

-The cool air is not cold enough.Please make it colder.

-It seems to me that there is no cool air in the room.Will you please examine it?

-Sorry,there is no automatic air-condition equipment in the room.

-The weather becomes cold suddenly.The room is not warm enough.I'd like to borrow an electrical stove for heating.

-Well,I'll send it right away.-好,我马上就给你送来。

-I'm going out for a walk.If anyone comes to see me,please ask him to leave a message.

-I'm leaving now and I shall be back soon.If somebody asks for me,please tell him (her)that I shall be back after

www.5ijcw.com 10 a clock.

-All right.-好

-Is Mr.Jack from Canada in?-加拿大的杰克先生吗?

-He has just gone out.-他刚刚出去。

-When will he be back?-他什么时候回来?

-He won't be back until dinner.-饭前回不来。

-Are there any message for me?-有口信留给我吗?

-Did anyone call me when I was out?-在我外出时曾有人打电话给我吗?

-Did anyone come to see me?-有谁来找我吗?

-Yes.He left a message for you.There was also a telephone call from a lady.She asks you to ring her up this evening.

-Someone is here to see you.Shall I send him up to your room?


-Please make me up at 5.-请在五点叫醒我。


-(The attendant hears the bell ring at midnight.)-(服务员半夜听到

www.5ijcw.com 铃声)

-Anything I can do for you,sir?-先生,有什么事吗?


-But you rang for me.-可你打铃了。

-Sorry,I unconscionusly touched the button when I turned off the light.

-Open the door,please.I want to turn off the bell check because the switch is in your room.

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关键字: Tag:酒店英语外语酒店常用英语,酒店英语口语酒店餐饮管理 - 酒店英语外语

上一篇:Daily Service 日常服务(酒店常用英语)

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