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[07-27 17:55:33]   来源:http://www.5ijcw.com  酒店英语外语   阅读:8852

概要:Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. "I don't enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first." 关于离职、跳槽的原因 www.5ijcw.com 1. Why are you leaving your present job? Refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. Give a "group&
  Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. "I don't enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first."





  1. Why are you leaving your present job?

  Refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. Give a "group" answer if possible, e.g. our department was consolidated or eliminated.


  2. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?

  Concerned but not panicked.




www.5ijcw.com 3. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.

  One in which people are treated as fairly as possible.


  4. How would you evaluate your present firm?

  It's an excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences




  1. How have you h

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